Across the last three decades, Quantum has provided exciting purchaser led file backup, info rescue, and database solutions for many information protection problems.
For nearly any business enterprise its crucial info or info is its heart, a downright asset for them in addition to a weapon for reaching business ambitions. Therefore safe protecting this info is of urgent worth. That is actually some thing at the centre of each Quantum product and solution, and mirrored within the company strap line, "Preserving the Planet's Most Critical Info. Your's."
This valuable ethos places the client demands in the middle for each fitting solution offered by Quantum aligning what's required produced by an IT Manager hunting for a effective back-up method thru to a CEO attempting to lower costs .
To satisfy the special demands for each customer , Quantum includes 3 key product ranges to offer inventive methods to fulfill the fast-changing wants of defending data inside both the short and long term.
Tape back-up had been for a number of years the centre of Quantum's business, regardless of whether this was a solitary external disk drive right thru to enormous tape libraries. The products are still necessary to future info protection and outline a large part of the product portfolio . With all new advancements with the management of tape libraries along with the ilayer PC software, the soundness of tapes can be checked and then errors are actively supervised.
As the valuation on disks reduced, copying data to disk rather than tape progressed into a cheap option and supplied much faster recovery periods than typical tape. To help influence this opportunity, deduplication understanding was advanced and the DXi disk based appliances were launched meaning that much more data can be recorded for a longer time on disks. Stornext software provides the ultimate shared file system and tiered storage functionality to handle information more successfully and supply business agility.
With these three main elements Quantum products and services tackle customer's information protection needs by mixing technological understanding including info deduplication, tape, file encryption , shared file systems and storage virtualisation.
Only professional Quantum Coalition Partners can offer and deliver the in depth range of approaches to address your requirements. Each solution offered works to increase your infrastructure with no need to be intrusive. Our target shall be to satisfy your info protection requirements in both a business continuity and judicial perspective. By taking out the trouble of back-up issues, your IT workers can concentrate on core activities rather than fire fighting.
For nearly any business enterprise its crucial info or info is its heart, a downright asset for them in addition to a weapon for reaching business ambitions. Therefore safe protecting this info is of urgent worth. That is actually some thing at the centre of each Quantum product and solution, and mirrored within the company strap line, "Preserving the Planet's Most Critical Info. Your's."
This valuable ethos places the client demands in the middle for each fitting solution offered by Quantum aligning what's required produced by an IT Manager hunting for a effective back-up method thru to a CEO attempting to lower costs .
To satisfy the special demands for each customer , Quantum includes 3 key product ranges to offer inventive methods to fulfill the fast-changing wants of defending data inside both the short and long term.
Tape back-up had been for a number of years the centre of Quantum's business, regardless of whether this was a solitary external disk drive right thru to enormous tape libraries. The products are still necessary to future info protection and outline a large part of the product portfolio . With all new advancements with the management of tape libraries along with the ilayer PC software, the soundness of tapes can be checked and then errors are actively supervised.
As the valuation on disks reduced, copying data to disk rather than tape progressed into a cheap option and supplied much faster recovery periods than typical tape. To help influence this opportunity, deduplication understanding was advanced and the DXi disk based appliances were launched meaning that much more data can be recorded for a longer time on disks. Stornext software provides the ultimate shared file system and tiered storage functionality to handle information more successfully and supply business agility.
With these three main elements Quantum products and services tackle customer's information protection needs by mixing technological understanding including info deduplication, tape, file encryption , shared file systems and storage virtualisation.
Only professional Quantum Coalition Partners can offer and deliver the in depth range of approaches to address your requirements. Each solution offered works to increase your infrastructure with no need to be intrusive. Our target shall be to satisfy your info protection requirements in both a business continuity and judicial perspective. By taking out the trouble of back-up issues, your IT workers can concentrate on core activities rather than fire fighting.
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Why not visit Alpha Digital for all your IT needs? From IT maintenance and support to equipment disposal and networking
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